Mathematics for children with special needs

Focus on Mathematics for children with special needs, including the identification,diagnosis and remediation of problems.

Design appropriate intervension programmes to remediaate children's mathematical errors
About identification and remediation of systematic error patterns in subtraction. Study investigated 90 elementary teacher's ability to identify two systematic error patterns in subtration and than prescribe an instructions focus.

Educators typically analyze students' mathematical errors with the intent to improve instruction and correct misconceptions.Evaluating students' work to determine an appropriate instructional focus to correct errors is one of the main tenets of remedial or corrective education for all students, but especially for students with LD and low-performing students. Identification and analysis of students' arithmetic errors has the potential to improve instructional planning and, ultimately, student performance.

Although educators and researchers debate the numerous types of errors and their causes, as well as instructional approaches and procedures to correct errors, extensive research, including computer analysis of students' work , indicates that large majorities of students' errors are consistent and systematic.

Subtraction is particularly problematic for many students. Several researchers report that students experience difficulty with problems requiring borrowing.

Analyze new developments in teaching mathematics to dyslexia and dyscalculia

This article is about teaching dyslexia children. A teacher share experience how she develop reading skills , spelling skills and improve the students writting skills. The teacher use multisensory method to improve the dyslexia child.

Article about why children struggle with mathematics, specific difficulty is termed as 'dyscalculia'. Children with dyscalculia may not understand the laguage recite. In this said that children think that mathematics is about learning a lot of unrelated facts, processes and rules that have no overall pattern, logic or practical use. Here a few suggestions is made for exampel usage of multisensory teaching methods and reasoning will help children who can use logic and have good verbal skills.

Explore the impact of disabilities on the children,their families,on their future

Family life is changed,often in major ways.New alliances and loyalties between family members sometimes emerge with some member.As children with disabilities move into school enviroments where they interact.

Disability places a set of extra demands or challenges on the family system; most of these demands last for a long time . Many of these challenges cut across disability type, age of the person with the disability, and type of family in which the person lives. There is the financial burden associated with getting health, education, and social services; buying or renting equipment and devices; making accommodations to the home; transportation; and medications and special food. For many of these financial items, the person or family may be eligible for payment or reimbursement from an insurance company and/or a publicly funded program such as Medicaid or Supplemental Security Income. Coordination of services among different providers (such as a physician, physical therapist, occupational therapist, dietician, social worker, teacher, and counselor) who often are not aware of what the other is doing and may provide discrepant information is another challenge faced by families . While care coordination or case management is often the stated goal of service programs, there are many flaws in implementation. Families experience the burden of this lack of coordination.

Analyze information concerning the systematic instruction of children with special needs at primary level

Using one teaching method, indeed may eventually cause children with special needs become frustrated, confused and left behind. Differentiating instruction can help all students by spotlighting their strengths,interests and recognizing individual levels of learning. Teacher can also determine and incorporate individual interests,use computers and computerized instruction and modify assigment requirements to meet special needs .


Refer to specific disorder in the area of motor skill development. People with dyspraxia have problem implementing planned fine motor tasks. Parents may suspect their baby has dyspraxia when the baby have problem during time frame of milestone. These children will have problem such as poor letter formation, pencil grip, slow writting, sensivity to light, touch, space, taste, smell, personal grooming and speech control. There is no cure but early intervension can make the children learn to deal with their difficulties.


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The World Federation of neuroligsts defined dyslexia as "disorder in children who despite conventional classroom experience, fail to attain the language skills of reading, writting and spelling.

Dyslexia can go undetected in the early grade of schooling. The children may show signs of depression and low self esteem. There are 3 type of dyslexia first trauma dyslexia, second is primary dyslexia and the third is secondary or developmental dyslexia.

Symptoms of dyslexia, difficulty copying from the board or book, uncoordinated, difficulty remembering what he/she hears. The assessment plan for each child depends on the specific problems the child is having, Each plan should include in five areas( cognition, academic performance, communication, sensory / motor and heakth development.

This article is about multi sensory teaching methods. This is especially for dyslexia child. Using a multisensory teaching approach means helping a child to learn through more than one of the senses. The majority of dyslexia children experience confusion over the direction 'b' and 'd'. They can both be seem as a stick with cirlce at its base, But on which side does the circle sit? A teacher might give the child to toush and feel it. In this article we could see how the letter 'b' and 'd' is successfully introduce to dyslexia child.


This article is about five types of autism and its explanation.Children with asperger's disorder are very unskilled with sicial interactions and have problems with communicating.They are often clumsy, as motor skills are under developed. Kanner's syndrome are those children who have very limitied emotional connection with anyone.


This article is about ADHD, myths, signs/symptoms. Some children with ADHD are hyperactive but many others with attention problems. They often able to concentrate on activities they enjoy. Treatment can help child learn to manage and minimize the symptoms. There are 3 primary characteristics of ADHD are inattention, hyperactive and impulsivity.


Dyscalculia is defined as a specific learning difficulty affecting a child ability to understand or manipulate numbers. Common symptoms include, confusing signss (+, -, x), difficulty with mental arithmetric and measurement, inability to grasp or remember maths rules.


Dys meaning ill of difficult and graphein meaning to write in Greek.Symptoms are generally illegible writing,letter inconsistencies , mixture of upper/ lower case letters irregular letter sizes and shapes,unfinished letters and strunggle to use writing as communicative tool.